Hepatitis C - Frequently Asked Questions

What you should know about Hepatitis

An HCV antibody test (blood test) is used to detect if somebody has ever been infected with the hepatitis C virus. This test, sometimes called an anti-HCV test, looks for antibodies that are proteins. They are released into the bloodstream when someone becomes infected with the virus that causes hepatitis C. People who test positive for HCV antibodies will receive a follow-up HCV RNA test to see if they have an active infection.
Hepatitis is a condition that occurs when the liver becomes inflamed. There are several things that can cause hepatitis, including viral infections, autoimmune diseases, and heavy drinking. Hepatitis is often caused by a virus. In this case it is called viral hepatitis. The most common types of viral hepatitis in the United States are:

• Hepatitis A
• Hepatitis B
• Hepatitis C

These types of hepatitis are each caused by a different virus and are spread in different ways. Some infections caused by these viruses can be short-term (acute) while others can be long-lasting (chronic).
The hepatitis A virus causes acute inflammation of the liver (hepatitis) that almost always gets better on its own. It can be more serious when we are older, when we have the disease. It is easily transmitted from person to person through food and water. , and many people can be infected at the same time (for example, if a grocer in a restaurant is infected, many of those who ate the food can become infected).
The hepatitis B virus (HBV) can be both acute (short-term illness) and chronic (ongoing illness) and is transmitted through blood or other body fluids. Hepatitis B is very common in Africa and Asia and among those born or lived in these regions should be tested for hepatitis B.
The hepatitis C virus (HCV) is almost always chronic and is only transmitted through the blood. Hepatitis A and B can be prevented by vaccination, except for hepatitis C.
There are now many good drugs available to treat chronic hepatitis B and C.
After exposure to HIV, it can take from 3 to 12 weeks (21-84 days) for an infected person’s body to make enough antibodies for a screening test to detect them. This is called the window period.
Rapid HIV tests can give results in 15 to 60 minutes or on the same day. When specimens are sent to another laboratory, results can take a few days to a few weeks. The INSTI HIV Self Test is capable of providing test results in as little as 60 seconds.
Hepatitis C and hepatitis B are viral infections that attack the liver and have similar symptoms. The main difference between hepatitis B and hepatitis C is that people can get hepatitis B through contact with the body fluids of someone who has the infection. Hepatitis C is generally only transmitted through blood-to-blood contact.
Hepatitis B and C are not transmitted through coughing, breast milk, eating together, or hugging an infected person.
Many people with hepatitis don't notice this until the infection has progressed.
Hepatitis C is contagious. It is mainly transmitted through blood-to-blood transfer. This transmission can be done through the sharing of:

• needles,
• acupuncture,
• tattoo needles,
• surgical or diagnostic instruments,
• sexual contacts, and
• organ transplants.

Occasional contact (including saliva and skin-to-skin exposure such as shaking hands) may rarely, if ever, transmit the hepatitis C virus.
Although there is no vaccine for hepatitis C, treatments can lower viral loads to undetectable levels, which are considered cured or in remission.
The virus is considered cured if it is not detected in the blood 12 weeks after the end of treatment. This is also known as the sustained virological response (SVR).
Hepatitis C is one of the most serious hepatitis viruses. However, with the newer treatments that have been developed in recent years, the virus is much more manageable than it has been in the past.
Current antiviral drugs that help cure hepatitis C may also help prevent the health complications of chronic liver disease.
Yes, between 15 and 20% of people with hepatitis C clear it from their bodies without treatment. It is more common in women and people with symptoms. But it usually occurs between the ages of 4 and 4 years. Eighteen months after symptoms appeared.
In the United States, genotype 1 hepatitis C virus (HCV) accounts for approximately 70 to 75% of all HCV infections. As a result, genotype 1 treatment has the most extensive data and the greatest clinical relevance to the problems of hepatitis C treatment in the United States. In recent years, several studies with direct-acting antiviral agents (DAAs) have shown sustained virological response rates 12 weeks after treatment (SVR12). ) of more than 95% in treatment-experienced and untreated patients with genotype 1 including patients with compensated cirrhosis. A discount was negotiated. The following discussion of initial and follow-up treatment for patients with chronic HCV genotype 1 assumes that the patient and their doctor have already made the decision to initiate therapy for hepatitis C, severe kidney failure, irritation (or end-stage kidney disease), or after a liver transplant.
The HCV Drugs section of this website provides detailed information on each of the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) -approved drugs listed in the treatment recommendations, including links to full prescribing information and patient support programs. DAAs work at certain stages in the HCV life cycle. There are three main classes of direct acting antiviral drugs: non-structural proteins 3 / 4A (NS3 / 4A) protease inhibitors,NS5A inhibitors, and NS5B polymerase inhibitors; Inhibitors of NS5B polymerase include nucleoside analogs and non-nucleoside analogs. Adherence to the treatment regimen is of the utmost importance. Before starting therapy, people being treated for HCV should receive extensive advice on the importance of adherence, as well as intensive monitoring and follow-up care during therapy.
Doctors may not be able to determine that you have hepatitis C until weeks or months after contracting the virus. At this early stage, you may not experience any symptoms and your doctor may not suspect that you have this liver disease. Doctors sometimes describe this. Stretching early in the incubation period.
During this incubation period, your disease can persist for a long period of 2 weeks to 6 months. Tests may not show any signs of the virus for the first 23 weeks.
You go through the incubation phase, sometimes called the “window period”, during the acute initial stage of hepatitis C.
What happens during the hepatitis C incubation period?
The virus that causes hepatitis C is carried in the blood. It targets the liver during the incubation period and targets cells called hepatocytes. Without treatment, at least half of people who get hepatitis C will have chronic hepatitis.
Because the virus is carried in the blood, it is more likely that you will infect it by sharing needles or other equipment if you inject medicine. Other ways to get infected with the virus are:

• If your mother had hepatitis C when you were born
• If you have sex with someone who has hepatitis C
• If you work in healthcare and accidentally pick up a needle prick
• If you get a tattoo in a place where unsafe practices are used
• Do you experience symptoms during the incubation period?
• About 50,000 people in the United States get hepatitis C each year, but many people don't realize it. During the acute onset, more than 2 in 3 people experience no symptoms.

When you have symptoms, one of the most common is jaundice. If you have jaundice, which is a sign of liver damage, you may notice that your skin or the whites of your eyes have a yellowish tinge to them. You may notice other changes as well. Your urine may be darker. The color may be tighter when defecating. to the tone color.
Other symptoms may include:

• Fatigue
• Fever
• Loss of appetite
• Nausea or vomiting
• Joint pain
• Abdominal pain

INSTI HCV Antibody Test

The World’s Fastest HCV Antibody Test