RICHMOND, BC, July 27, 2017 /PRNewswire/ – bioLytical Laboratories Inc., a leader in rapid diagnostic assays, is pleased to share that its INSTI HIV Self Test was featured at the 9th International AIDS Society Conference on HIV Science (IAS 2017) in Paris as an oral presentation. The late breaker abstract1 highlighted ground-breaking research into blood-based self-testing with INSTI, creating a foundation for other researchers to build on. The results were presented to an audience of several hundred delegates from all over the world at the oral abstract session titled “Just Do It Yourself: Preferences and Performances of HIV Self-Testing”.
The Kenya Medical Research Institute (KEMRI) researchers conducted the INSTI HIV Self Test study in villages in Western Kenya from March to April of 2017 in nearly 700 subjects from various backgrounds and with varying levels of education and literacy. The study concluded that the INSTI HIV Self Test, a simple to use blood-based test, performs extremely well in low and middle income country populations, and it was highly accepted by such intended users. Levels of accuracy and overall usability of the INSTI HIV Self Test approached 99% in this population. This real-life field study confirms that blood-based self-testing with INSTI can be successfully applied in settings where it can play an important role in identifying individuals and their partners who may be living with HIV but are unaware of their infection.
bioLytical is pleased that the KEMRI study abstract was selected by IAS 2017 as a late breaker from many reputable abstract submissions. The conference provided new insights into HIV disease development, prevention and treatment where approximately 6,000 delegates from across the globe were in attendance.
“It is vital that studies like these are conducted, and the results broadly reported, to demonstrate the safety and overall utility of blood-based HIV self-tests in populations at risk for HIV infection. bioLytical is extremely proud to have worked with the researchers at KEMRI, led by Professor Matilu Mwau, in bringing this important study to successful completion,” said Rick Galli, bioLytical’s Chief Technical Officer.
1Mwau, M., Achieng, L, and Bwana, P. Performance and Usability of INSTI, a Blood-based Rapid HIV Self Test for Qualitative Detection of HIV Antibodies in Intended Use Populations in Kenya. Kenya Medical Research Institute, Nairobi, Kenya